Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mod Mosaic Mini

The color, the pebbled effect: there's something gorgeously dusk-like about this mini dress. The fact that it's on sale for $34.99 means I may need to throw down my credit card number ASAP.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Red Carpet Looks, Real Cheap

With me and Herve Leger's bandage dress, it was pretty much love at first sight. Alas, I don't have the dough to spend on one of his creations. In searching for cheaper replicas, I found two sick interpretations: one by BeBe for $159 and another by Nicole Miller for $312 at

Click the video to check out these looks as well as red carpet-worthy creations from LuLu's and Marc Bouwer.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fab Finds Under $50 #1

Some things defy categorization. That's what "Fab Finds Under $50" (aka "Random Cool Things Roundup" aka I haven't really settled on a name for this segment yet so send in your suggestions, won't you?) is for. On deck in this episode:

Old Navy's colorful canvas flats: $19.50.

Target's Hayden-Harnett double-flap bag: $29.99.

Fred Flare's 2-carat cup: $18.

MoMA's color spectrum umbrella: $40.

What awesome stuff under $50 are you digging? Comment and let me know -- girl's got only so much time to scour the Web.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What's essential with rain boots? Knee-highs, or better yet, OVER-the-knee-highs. (I learned this the hard way yesterday when my ankle socks bunched into little balls around my toes.) Fred Flare's Harajuku socks look seamless and stylish with just about anything, and come in seven different colors to coordinate with all your gear. They're on sale now for $9.99/pair.

Monday, March 9, 2009

F Winter, I'm Shopping for Spring Part 2: Rain Boots

Jay-Z's in the rain doing a buck 40 hydroplaning. Me? I'm puddle jumping my way through this dull and dreary New York Monday in rain boots. If you don't have a pair yet, I highly recommend you get some for spring. Wet feet are so not fly. Below, click the video and check out some choice options:

Old Navy's yellow wellies, $19.50.

Urban Outfitters' equestrian rain boots, $48.

Target's perfect plaid boots, $24.99.

Gabriella Rocha's bad ass skull-printed boots, $40.